For all ad majors, this class was a must. Having to trace, fill and space those letterforms perfectly, without smudging, well this first assignment phrase should have been the real class title.
I learned to love and embrace typography, which really paid off in my early days of advertising- indicating headlines on ad marker comps. Now that the classic method of typesetting is history, I now "track and letter space" headlines on a MAC, much in the manner that was instilled through the disciplines of this class. So thank you very much, Mr. Aschenbrand, "the pitfalls of lettering" live on. And for the record I got a B- on this assignment. Comments and lettering by Bob Brocke.
and for all you type fans out there...
there is a great documentary film by Gary Hustwit on DVD by Plexifilm titled "Helvetica" - Changing the world, one letter at a time... Seems tried and true font Helvetica turned 50 yrs old recently. maybe it is mandatory viewing at CCAD now?
I remember this assignment. I think I got a B- on it-lettering was never my thing!
I think that the author of this blog would have a LOT to contribute to this Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&id=1057190883#/group.php?gid=67810468985&ref=mf
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